18 February 2013
Banking Problems

Glenboggin Bank Manager, Hamish McStrivens, a distant cousin (supposedly) of Cooncillor Archie McStrivens, has today denied the charge of a 'lacklustre' approach to looking after the citizen's of Glenboggins savings. Speaking yesterday from an unknown location in the seychelle islands, Hamish said he had no knowledge of the missing swimming pool fund under question and swears that he wasn't on duty on any of the 432 days that any monies were paid in! Asked what he was doing in the seychelles, Hamish muttered something about looking into opening a new branch, that things were taking a long time to sort out, and that he might not be back in Glenboggin for the foreseeable future. 

Apparently, according to local gossip, Hamish was previously seen in deep conversation with Cooncillor and well-known fly-by-night, Mr Reginald Cooper-Smythe who by coincidence is also on holiday in the same region. Hmmn!    

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